Taylor's vintage Portvin, årgang 1977

2250 kr.

97 point FTLOP

Mesterværk fra Taylors i årgang 1977. En helt igennem fantastisk vintage portvin.

FTLOP 97 point: "Common sense would dictate that whatever follows a near perfect bottle of Vintage Port like the 1970 Fonseca, is bound to look bad in comparison. Au contraire mon ami. Not that one needs to compare and contrast these two side-by-side, but it is not every day you have the two best wines of each of these glorious vintages together. Medium-dark strawberry red with a light pink rim. A lively scented bouquet emanates from the glass and in addition to the bright floral fragrances and fresh figs, there's a hint of cinnamon spice while the black fruits continue to emerge with each successive sniff and are well defined. This particular bottle exudes enormous character, brash and bold flavors of plum and prune with a gentle wave of youthful spirit in the midpalate. Layered and dense, the tannins are ripe but seemingly tame and this was only opened an hour before our arrival. A well-integrated big and boisterous Port built for the ages, yet showing extremely young at the moment. Drink now and feel confident this will easily last through 2045. 97 points"

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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011
Vingård Douro valley
Årstal 1977
Anmeldelser FTLOP 97 point:"Common sense would dictate that whatever follows a near perfect bottle of Vintage Port like the 1970 Fonseca, is bound to look bad in comparison. Au contraire mon ami. Not that one needs to compare and contrast these two side-by-side, but it is not every day you have the two best wines of each of these glorious vintages together. Medium-dark strawberry red with a light pink rim. A lively scented bouquet emanates from the glass and in addition to the bright floral fragrances and fresh figs, there's a hint of cinnamon spice while the black fruits continue to emerge with each successive sniff and are well defined. This particular bottle exudes enormous character, brash and bold flavors of plum and prune with a gentle wave of youthful spirit in the midpalate. Layered and dense, the tannins are ripe but seemingly tame and this was only opened an hour before our arrival. A well-integrated big and boisterous Port built for the ages, yet showing extremely young at the moment. Drink now and feel confident this will easily last through 2045. 97 points" 97 Points (2008-09-29)
Lidt om huset Taylor's

Når man taler om portvin og ikke mindst vintage port, så er Taylors (Taylor, Fladgate & Yeatman) et "must". År efter år producerer Taylors noget af det bedste Vintage portvin der findes.

Portvinen er måske ikke altid den der vinder de store smagninger i de første år, men på sigt er Taylors altid blandt de bedste. Firmaet er oprindelig grundlagt i 1692 af Job Bearsley - mens navnet Taylors først indtræder fra 1816. Taylors Vintage portvin stammer hovedsagelig fra 2 quintaer - med den berømte Quinta de Vargellas i spidsen samt Quinta da Terra Feita.

Taylors laver derfor også endog meget god single Quinta vin fra de 2 ejendomme. Taylors vintage portvin er næsten helt sort og utilnærmelig som ung og, som en vis Parker udtrykker det - så smager Taylors som Latour på stesolid.
De bedste årgange: Alle årgange - men specielt år 1963, 1970, 1977, 1983, 1985, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003 & seneste med 2016, 2017 & 2018 er fantastiske og 1992 og 2003 har begge opnået de magiske 100 Parker point - tæt fuldt af årgang 2017.
Taylors Quinta de Vargellas laver super vine og som er blevet bedre siden starten af 1980'erne og vi vil specielt gerne fremhæve 1987, 1991, 1995, 1996. Vi vil især fremhæve Taylors evne til altid at komme ud I toppen af egne smagninger og med en evne til at bare blive bedre og bedre med årene.

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