Warre's, Vintage Portvin
199792 point FTLOP, 94 point Wine Spectator
For the love of port: "Decanted for 14 hours. Dark garnet and fully opaque with aromatics of mocha, blackberry and espresso bean which became more profound in the glass. Smooth and medium-bodied with ripe blackcurrant flavor this is still quite primary and showing so young at the moment. The tannins are soft and for an 11 year old, this is an expressive and approachable VP, but shows enough grip to carry on for another 15-20 years. A long and sexy finish with waves of chocolate added to the enjoyment. Consumed with friends at Scalino's Restaurant in Park Slope, Brooklyn. 92 points"
WS 94 point: "Dark in profile, with warm buckwheat, singed juniper and espresso notes leading off, backed by warm black currant and fig compote flavors. Has heft, but the brambly undertow is easily absorbed through the finish. Approachable, but there's no rush at all.--1997 Vintage Port retrospective (January 2017"
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Det ældste af de britiske portvinshuse. Allerede i 1729 bosatte Willian Warre sig i O’Porto og de har været der lige siden. Skotten Andrew James Symington kom til O’Porto i 1882 og han og efterfølgere har haft en stor indvirkning og Warre’s blev senere overtaget af Symington gruppen.
Warre’s laver klassiske vintageportvine med et klassisk engelsk aftryk – lakrids, dyb rød frugt og holdbar.
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Datoer: 9/11, 16/11, 23/11, 30/11, 7/12, 14/12, 21/12.
Tidspunkt: 11-13 alle lørdage.
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